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Hello, and welcome to our new website!!

Dyson Coope.Les. LargeAfter almost 2 years on our old site, we thought it was time to make things a little more official and go fully self-hosted. So, we've merged our business site, and our old blog site and come up with this brand new site!

We've been listening to all of your suggestions, and now our recipes are much easier to find, with a drop down menu so that everything is broken down into categories specific to meal type.

You can also search for anything on the site at any time.

There's still lots of tweaking going on, so don't be surprised if you see articles moving around a bit, as we're still trying to find our feet!

Go on then, take a peek and investigate, and let us know what you think!

We hope you'll like it as much as we do! :)


0 # Jordyn 2016-01-14 23:28
I'm glad I found your site. I suffer from a number of food-based allergies so it's nice to see someone else out there posting recipes with that in mind. Good luck with the new site moving forward, I look forward to exploring some more!
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