Trying to control eczema, especially when allergies and cold weather are involved, can be incredibly hard! We may have just the thing for you!

I was interviewed by the lovely Sophie from Allergy UK, and she asked me questions which ended up unlocking a particularly difficult reaction that Callum had. It caused a knock-on effect with his eczema, making it flare dreadfully and resulted in a serious staph infection. Callum was dangerously ill and the A&E consultants initially suspected meningitis due to the way his skin looked.
It was a very frightening time, and we are so thankful that Callum pulled through.
You can see the video here.
Eczema has always been a big part of Callum’s journey
It started when he was just weeks old, initially as an angry rash on his face before eventually affecting his whole body.
It took months to get control back, and we’ve struggled ever since to keep it under control.
As a result, I’ve picked up many tips and tricks along the way of how to live with eczema, and key things to watch out for!
I’ve written about them and you can find them all here.
Knowing how hard it is to keep a good balance, using gentle washing powder, conditioner and so on definitely help.
Neutral gave us some of their range, and as a thank you to all of our lovely followers and supporters, we want to give these to one of you!
How would you like to win Neutral products?!
This range is perfect for anyone with sensitive skin, especially anyone suffering with eczema! We’re giving you the chance to try:
- Fabric Conditioner
- Colour Wash
- Washing Powder
- Silk & Wool Wash
All you have to do to be in with a chance of winning is to answer this simple question by commenting on this blog post:
QUESTION: What is your top tip for dealing with eczema?
The prize will be sent out to the winner week commencing 5th February 2018!
Good Luck!!
(NB: I have not been paid or sponsored for this post, I am simply giving back to those that need support and help)
Great giveaway, many thanks
My tip would be to avoid certain harsh, artificial chemicals where possible!
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